Update – AB 196 : Administrative Rules mean GAB Corporate oversight already suspended

Badger Democracy has received new information regarding the status of AB196 – the bill which would severely restrict the Government Accountability Board’s authority to regulate and require reporting of Corporate Campaign contributions. Legislative sources have told Badger Democracy that since AB196 came out of the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR); and contains that Committees “objection” to the GAB rule on Campaign Reporting – under the “Administrative Rule” statutes that rule is now SUSPENDED, since it was properly calendared in both houses of the Legislature. Further, that the rule remains suspended until the bill is acted upon (passed) or expires (at the end of the current session).

Although confusing, the bottom line is the Republicans (Leah Vukmir, Jim Ott, Fitzgerald brothers, et al.) have used a legislative gimmick under Administrative Rule statutes to suspend the GAB authority to require regulation and reporting of Corporate campaign contributions – without a vote being taken. Sources indicate the bill will likely be referred back to committee today, and will be tabled or referred back to committee in the Senate tomorrow. There the bill can sit, all the while the GAB rule will remain suspended until next year. Undoubtedly opening the floodgates to undisclosed, unlimited Corporate access to political campaign contributions.

Another day in Fitzwalkerstan – another day closer to corporate anarchy.

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